الأحد، 15 يناير 2012

WEALTH PRINCIPLE: When the subconscious mind must choose between deeply rooted emotions and logic, emotions will almost always win.

et’s get back to our story. In less than ten minutes at the course, using some extremely effective experiential techniques, Stephen’s money blueprint changed dramatically. In only two years, he went from being broke to becoming a millionaire. At the course, Stephen began to understand that these nonsupportive beliefs were his mom’s, based on her past programming, and not his. We then took it a step further and helped him to create a strategy whereby he wouldn’t lose his mother’s approval if he got rich. It was simple
His mom loved Hawaii. So Stephen invested in a beachfront condo on Maui. He sends her there for the entire winter. She’s in heaven, and so is he. First, she now loves that he’s rich and tells everyone how generous he is. Second, he doesn’t have to deal with her for six months of the year. Brilliant! In my own life, after a slow start, I began doing well in business but never seemed to make money with my stocks. In becoming aware of my money blueprint, I recalled that when I was young, each day after work, my dad would sit down at the dinner table with the newspaper, check the stock pages, slam his fist on the table, and shout, “Those stinkin’ stocks!” He then spent the next half hour ranting about how stupid the whole system is and how you have a better chance of making money playing the slot machines in Las Vegas.
Now that you understand the power of verbal conditioning, can you see that it’s no wonder I couldn’t make any money in the stock market? I was literally programmed to fail, programmed to unconsciously pick the wrong stock, at the wrong price, at the wrong time. Why? To subconsciously validate my money blueprint that said, “Stocks stink!”
All I can say is, by digging out this massive, toxic weed from my inner “financial garden,” I began getting inundated with more fruits! Virtually the day after I reconditioned myself, the stocks I chose began to boom, and I’ve continued to have amazing success in the stock market ever since. It seems incredibly strange, but when you really understand how the money blueprint works, it makes perfect sense.
Again, your subconscious conditioning determines your thinking. Your thinking determines your decisions, and your decisions determine your actions, which eventually determine your outcomes.

There are four key elements of change, each of which is essential in reprogramming your financial blueprint. They are simple but profoundly powerful.
The first element of change is awareness. You can’t change something unless you know it exists.
The second element of change is understanding. By understanding where your “way of thinking” originates, you can recognize that it has to come from outside you. The third element of change is disassociation. Once you realize this way of thinking isn’t you, you can separate yourself from it and choose in the present whether to keep it or let it go—based on who you are today, and where you want to be tomorrow. You can observe this way of thinking and see it for what it is, a “file” of information that was stored in your mind a long, long time ago and may not hold any truth or value for you anymore.
The fourth element of change is reconditioning. We will begin this process in Part II of this book, where we will introduce you to the mental files that generate wealth. Should you want to take this a step further, I invite you to attend the Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar, where you will be led through a series of powerful experiential techniques that will rewire your subconscious on a cellular and permanent level—retraining your mind to respond supportively in terms of money and success

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